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But remember that the baseline is just that: a starting point. If monitoring security events works better for you than monitoring firewall logs, do so. Or if you want to use both, do so. Windows 10 v RS4 has greatly expanded its manageability using Mobile Device Management MDM. We will publish the baseline in MDM form as soon as it is ready. Web 應用程序越來越成為諸如跨站點腳本、SQL 注入和應用程序 DDoS 等攻擊的目標。儘管OWASP 提供了編寫應用程序的指導,使其能夠更好地抵禦此類攻擊,但它需要在多層應用程序拓撲中進行嚴格的維護和修補。 Microsoft Web 應用程序防火牆(WAF) 和 Azure 安全中心(ASC) 可幫助保護 Web 應用程序免受此類漏洞的攻擊。.
Microsoft WAF 是 Azure 應用程序網關 (第 7 層負載均衡器)的一項功能,可使用 OWASP 核心規則集 保護 Web 應用程序免受常見 Web 漏洞攻擊。 Azure 安全中心會針對漏洞掃描 Azure 資源,並針對這些問題推薦緩解措施。一個這樣的漏洞是存在不受 WAF 保護的 Web 應用程序。目前,Azure 安全中心建議對面向公眾的 IP 進行 WAF 部署,這些 IP 具有關聯的網絡安全組並具有開放的入站 Web 端口(80和)。 Azure 安全中心 提供應用程序網關 WAF 到現有 Azure 資源的供應,並向現有 Web 應用程序防火牆添加新資源。通過與 WAF 集成,Azure 安全中心可以分析其日誌並顯示重要的安全警報。. 在某些情況下,安全管理員可能沒有資源權限從 Azure 安全中心提供 WAF,或者應用程序所有者已將 WAF 配置為應用程序部署的一部分。為了適應這些情況,我們很高興地宣布,安全中心很快會自動發現預訂中未使用安全中心進行配置的 WAF 實例。以前供應的 WAF 實例將顯示在安全管理中心可以將其與 Azure 安全中心集成的已發現解決方案下的安全中心安全解決方案窗格中。連接現有的微軟 WAF 部署將允許客戶利用安全中心檢測的優勢,而不管 WAF 是如何配置的。其他配置設置(如自定義防火牆規則集)可在直接從安全中心鏈接的 WAF 控制台中使用。這篇關於 配置 Microsoft WAF 的文章可以提供關於配置過程的更多指導。.
私たちは今、第 4 次産業革命時代のさなかにいます。テクノロジーによって生活や仕事の様式は根本的な変容を遂げました。そして最終的には、ビジネスの拡大や変革のあり方も、これからのテクノロジーによって決まります。この変化に対し、企業はデジタルトランスフォーメーションの急激な過渡期にあり、デジタルファーストモデルを優先するようになっています。.
デジタル ファーストビジネスへ向けてのロードマップでは、Microsoft のリーダーたちが集まり、デジタルファーストの世界へと参入し、検討を重ねて適応する方法について有意義な会話を展開しています。. 現時点では、改元に対する Microsoft の対応方針、それに基づいた Windows API や OS に含まれるコンポーネント、影響を受ける製品群一覧や改元の対応対象製品等についてお伝えすることは難しい状況でございます。 しかしながら、弊社では、以前の投稿でもお伝えしております通り、弊社製品の対応方針や具体的に対応を行う製品の検討等を急ピッチで進めております。情報の公開まで今しばらくお待ちくださいますようお願い致します。. また、去る 4 月 20 日には、弊社オフィスへパートナー様にお越しいただき改元に向けた説明会を開催させていただきました。大変ご好評をいただきましたため、今後の追加開催を検討しております。こちらは別途ご案内をさせていただきます。.
なお、上述の情報公開を待たずとも、ユーザー様、開発者様におかれましては、今すぐにでも、改元の影響を受ける可能性のあるシステムやアプリケーションの棚卸しを開始していただくことが可能です。 今回は、改元の影響を受ける可能性のあるシステムやアプリケーションの棚卸しをご実施いただく際、一般的にまずご確認をいただきたいテスト項目についてお伝えいたします。. Windows OS の既定の設定では、日本語版をご利用いただいていても和暦を表示することはありません。また、Windows OS としては和暦を使用するよう設定いただく項目は下記以外にございません。. このような表示形式の設定は、API を使用しアプリケーションから取得することができます。そのため、OS の言語設定や表示形式に従い既定の表示を変えているアプリケーションが少なからず存在いたします。.
一方、Microsoft Excel のように OS の設定とは無関係に和暦を使用できるアプリケーションも存在します。例えば、セルの書式設定や連続データを自動的に入力するオートフィル機能がそれに該当します。お使いのアプリケーションが和暦に対応しているか、または OS の言語設定に従い和暦を表示する機能があるか、ご確認ください。.
次に、Microsoft Outlook のようにカレンダー、スケジュール機能を持つアプリケーションでは、改元以降の祝日や六曜の表示や、うるう年等、特殊な日付が正しく表示できるかご確認いただくことをお勧めいたします。また、MonthCalendar コントロールのようにカレンダー形式で UI を表示する場合も、元号の切り替わりの表示等にご注意ください。. MS IME では、”へいせい” を変換した際 “平成” と “㍻” が候補として表示されます。後者の 1 文字分のコードで元号を表現しているものを合字と呼びます。 現時点で新元号は発表されておりませんが、新元号に対しても合字を用意すべく、弊社では Unicode コンソーシアムや日本政府、業界団体とともに Unicode 上の文字コードの確保や新しい字形の作成、フォントの更新について準備を進めております。. 新しい合字のコード ポイント等については未確定の状況でございますが、今一度、下記のような合字の表示、入力に問題がないかご確認ください。また新元号の発表後に追加される合字を正しく表示するためにはフォントの更新 合字のグリフの追加 が必要となりますため、アプリケーションにてご使用のフォントについても確認が必要と想定されま す。.
Lynne Taggart here with another Operations Manager update. All content provided by this blog is for informational purposes only and it is provided “AS IS” with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Always test in a lab first before implementing into your production. The use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified in the Terms of Use.
The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. The opinions and views expressed in this blog are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of Microsoft. This Management Pack provides discovery, monitoring and alerting for all the key supporting components of Cireson Portal instances.
Welcome to the TechNet Wiki Tuesday — TNWiki Article Spotlight. In today’s blog post we are going to see about Unity3d – Using LUIS for voice activated commands by Chilberto.
This article explains about how to call Language Understanding Intelligent Service LUIS from Unity3d. The reason why I have selected this article is as this article talks about Unity3d with the combination of Language Understanding Intelligent Service LUIS. There are very articles which explains about Unity3d and this article is special as this article also describing about how to call the LUIS from Unity3d.
Language Understanding LUIS allows your application to understand what a person wants in their own words. LUIS uses machine learning to allow developers to build applications that can receive user input in natural language and extract meaning from it. Chilberto also explained in this article as this post is continues of his previous post Azure Cognitive Services – Bing Speech API and Language Understanding Intelligent Service LUIS and in that article he has explained about using Azure Cognitive Services using LUIS with Speech API.
In this article he extends to call the LUIS from Unity3d game application. Unity is the ultimate 2D and 3D game development platform.
Unity supports javascript and C as development languages but an important fact to emphasize is the engine uses the C compiler Mono to build the game. The important point to be note here is we can download the source code from the download part of the article.
Combining AI with gaming has been happening for a while now and using hosted services makes a lot of sense for scalability, global coverage, and the simplicity in getting up and running for both indie devs and professional studios.
The example shown here is simple and, in all likelihood, controlling the movement of a ship would be easier to be done with an arrow or WASD keys. But imagine a more complex scenario. For example, Lock phasers on target alpha, strength to stun or All ahead full to Alpha Centauri in the Gamma Quadrant.
It is a guess that many players of loot grabbing games on consoles would have loved a voice-controlled inventory system: Sell to a merchant, all ammo where the inventory is over 10 and not used by any of my guns. I believe this article will be a great feast for all who is looking to work with Unity3d and Cognitive Services ,don’t miss to read this article from here Unity3d – Using LUIS for voice activated commands by Chilberto. I hope you all enjoy reading his article.
Yours, Syed Shanu MSDN Profile MVP Profile Facebook Twitter TechNet Wiki the community where we all join hands to share Microsoft-related information. Beginning June , in SharePoint Online, Microsoft will remove the in-product UI entry point for automatic translations.
The configuration options during variation use will be removed and hardcoded to false. The APIs will be marked as deprecated with limited support, but will continue to remain available if users want to integrate directly via custom code. Microsoft recommends that users leverage the Bing translation APIs directly. However, users will still be able to continue accessing the existing APIs via custom code, but support is limited.
Please see this document for more information about SharePoint Machine Translation Variations. For SharePoint on-premise, Microsoft we will not remove the UX entry points or API, but will communicate that this feature is deprecated.
Beginning in June , the UI entry point to SiteManager. aspx will be removed from SharePoint Online and direct access will be restricted to Site Collection Admins. The main functionality of Site Manager has been implemented in modern file move and copy.
For more information about how to move and copy files in a document library in SharePoint, see the following Microsoft websites:. Mikrosegmentace per VM? Nebo pravidla na subnet? In the past, Hello hybrid scenario users had to wait thirty minutes after first creating a PIN before they could use it to logon due to the time it takes for a public key to sync back to the on-premises AD using AAD Connect.
If the user tried to logon before the sync-back they might see the following error message:. Recent improvements to the Hybrid Certificate Trust scenario reduces the wait time for public key sync-back from the original thirty minutes to one minute or less, making it almost instantaneous by comparison.
Users can now use their certificate with PIN or biometrics for authentication almost immediately resulting in a vastly improved experience. NOTE: This does not change or affect hybrid key-trust deployments.
Users in these deployments must still wait for the public key to sync to on-premises Active Directory before they can authenticate with their PIN or biometric. The best way to grab their attention is to explain how Microsoft uniquely delivers a comprehensive, end-to-end approach to business applications—helping you unify data and relationships, build intelligence into your decision making, and accelerate business transformation.
Of course, that always includes new improvements. The Spring Release includes a brand-new Marketing application and a wide array of new capabilities across all of the existing Customer Engagement applications.
There is a wealth of information on all of the details in the release notes and the launch videos here. This includes an overview of the new Marketing application, the new Sales Professional license, and highlights from the Blitz event.
Microsoft Dynamics Business Central is designed for businesses looking for an all-in-one business management solution that’s easy to use and adapt. Connect your finances, sales, service, and operations to streamline business processes, improve customer interactions, and enable growth. Check out more on that here. During the call, attendees will learn about all the resources available to begin building a cloud practice encompassing Business Central. Sign up for the Business Applications Community call that takes place on May 8 at 9 am PT.
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If you want your email to be just name yourdomain. POP3 settings. IMAP settings. Hotmail control panel. Open Outlook Data File. They are using Exchange. They are using POP3. Folder tab. Light bulb. File tab. When recovering a PST that has become corrupted probably from allowing it to become too large , it is best to let the customer know that the recovery process may include: Getting a new email address.
A requirement to move to Exchange. Forwarding from a Hotmail address. And it’s an easy way for you to move among the top Outlook features—Mail, Calendar, People, and Tasks. The bar is in addition to the standard tabs and ribbons that provide you with an assortment of tools and options to help you use and manage Outlook.
Typically located at the bottom of the Outlook window, the quick access bar shows—depending on selected settings—either button names left image or icons right image associated with feature names. You can control which buttons or icons appear on the quick access bar and even in what order they appear.
To change the number of buttons or icons that appear on the bar, increase or decrease the default setting of 4 for Maximum number of visible items. To rearrange how buttons or icons are listed, select an item in the Display in this order box, and then choose Move Up or Move Down.
Tip: If you don’t like the changes you made, or just want to start over, choose Reset. Email connects you to people inside and outside your organization.
You can add an electronic signature and attachments to your email messages. For more information, see Create an email message. Create personalized signatures that appear at the bottom of your messages. Signatures can include text, images, your Electronic Business Card, a logo, or even an image of your handwritten signature.
In the E-mail account list, choose an email account to associate with the signature. In the New messages list, choose the signature that you want to be added automatically to all new email messages. If you don’t want to auto sign your email messages, you can ignore this option as none is the default value.
Otherwise, accept the default option of none. Under Edit signature , type the signature , and then choose OK. In a new message, choose Signature , and then choose the signature that you want.
For more information, see Create and add an email message signature. On the ribbon or in the reading pane, choose Reply , Reply All , or Forward. In the To , Cc , or Bcc box, do one of the following:. To remove a recipient, click in the appropriate box, choose the recipient’s name, and then press Delete. For more information, see Reply to or forward an email message. Workflow name: Microsoft. CollectEventData Instance name: name.
Examine the Operations Manager Event log for the following events. These events typically indicate that the Data Warehouse SQL Server Authentication Account may have incorrect credentials. The error is Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password. This will prevent the health service from monitoring or performing actions using this RunAs account.
To resolve the issue in this scenario, complete the following:. Open the Operations Manager console. Select Administration. Configure the appropriate credentials for the Data Warehouse SQL Server Authentication Account.
Event ID caused by disk performance issues. This can occur when the data disk hosting the database, logs or TempDB used by the Operations Manager and Data Warehouse databases is slow or experiencing a problem.
In this scenario we recommend leveraging RAID 10 and we also recommend enabling battery backed Write Cache on the Array Controller. NOTE The last three counters in this list should consistently have values of approximately. The following are the thresholds that are documented in the SQL Server performance troubleshooting guide:. The throughput of a SAN drive is highly variable, depending on the number of spindles, the speed of the drives and the speed of the channel.
The best bet is to check with the SAN vendor to find out how many bytes and IOPS the drive should support. Event ID is logged and a Management Server generates an “unable to write data to the Data Warehouse” alert in System Center Operations Manager.
You also experience the following symptoms on the Management Server computer:. Performance data collection process unable to write data to the Data Warehouse Performance data collection process unable to write data to the Data Warehouse. Failed to store data in the Data Warehouse.
CollectPerformanceData Instance name: dataWarehouseServer. CollectPerformanceData Instance : ManagementServerName. This issue can occur if the Management Server does not have accounts that are specified for its data warehouse “Run As” profiles. This issue is more likely to affect a secondary Management Server. To resolve this problem complete the following:. Event ID occurs on a server running HP MPIO FF DSM XP v3. When the user opens Performance Monitor and attempts to add a counter, Performance Monitor will hang and the handle count for this application increases rapidly.
Windows MPIO DSM for XP v3. Hornbeck Solution Asset PM Microsoft GBS Management and Security Division. Get the latest System Center news on Facebook and Twitter :. System Center Operations Manager System Center R2 Operations Manager SCOM R2 SCOMR2. You may have heard about codename Sterling.
This is the update for SQL Azure that completely re-architects the backend of SQL Azure to make it run much more like on premise SQL Server. You can now use CLR, columnstore indexing, and run parallel queries. As a note, I would suggest heavily testing this out before moving production database to it unless you absolutely need one of the features listed! Switch Editions? Channel: TechNet Blogs.
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read more. Some organizations require the use of multiple UPN suffixes for their operations. From time to time, these same organizations will have the requirement to do mass a UPN suffix change.
I recently faced said challenge while changing the domain name suffix which ended with. local to a public domain name ending with. This needed to be done to address the requested upcoming Azure AD integration with the local AD. While the change can be preformed manually, the method may take ages to complete. In this blog, we are going to give you: More reasons to get rid of PST files. What to do with the data in the PST files.
How to move the PST data to its new location. More Reasons to get rid of PST files. Corporate Security and Compliance. PST files are created by users and are unmanaged data. Most organizations have very little insight into where PSTs are created, how the users retain the files, where the files are kept, and exactly how much data is in those files. PST files usurp your well defined data retention policies.
Exchange Data Retention Policies do not apply to data residing within PST files, and you cannot set retention tags in PST files. Outside of the maximum file size for a PST, currently 50 Gigabytes, they are not limited in size. A PST from one machine or user can easily be opened by another user off the network. They can be stored on portable media that can be lost or stolen. Thumb Drives, USB storage media, DVD, personal cloud storage. This is a data leakage risk, even if they are password protected.
Depending on your corporate backup strategy, they may not be backed up anywhere. Data within PST files is not discoverable with built in Exchange Discovery tools. This creates a complex discovery issue for legal departments which can lead to a very expensive discovery process. More about the importance of Records Management can be found in a very old Exchange Team Blog here.
User Experience Users with multiple PST files have a disjointed experience when switching machines or using OWA. Because a PST only resides on a single computer, users are limited on how they can interact with that data.
Outlook Rules that work with a PST file will only work on the computer where that PST resides and Outlook must be running for the rule to fire properly. Disk Space. PSTs can be up to 50 GBs and users can create multiple different PSTs which can impact disk space on the workstation or device. Glad you asked, but before we get started you have to make some decisions.
Where do you want to put the data? Once you decide where you want to put the data, we can work on methods to get it there? What to do with the data in your PST files. First, you have to decide WHERE you want to store this data? User Mailbox Archive Mailbox Locally Archive Mailbox in the Cloud Delete, Delete, Delete Option 1: Keep it simple.
Advantages : Easy. Pulling all that PST data back into the mailbox is very easy using the PST capture tool—as long as you have the space.
Also keeping it in a single mailbox reduces the management complexity as each user only has a single mailbox associated with their account.
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