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Optimize and resize images from within your applications using our fully-featured and easy-to-use API. Make a reasonable number of backup copies for archive purposes, as long as the backup copies are not distributed. View API Docs. Our cutting-edge infrastructure has been designed from the ground up with a single purpose in mind – to optimize your images blazingly fast. Integrating Kraken. Run them through Kraken. Unless modified by a license addendum or supplemental agreement, the following shall be deemed to have been agreed between you and SoftMaker:.❿


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If you do not agree to its terms, abort the installation by clicking on the Cancel button. The software which accompanies this license agreement the “Software” is the property of SoftMaker Software GmbH “SoftMaker” or its licensors and is protected by copyright law.

While SoftMaker continues to own the Software, you will have certain rights to use the Software after your acceptance of this license agreement. Unless modified by a license addendum or supplemental agreement, the following shall be deemed to have been agreed between you and SoftMaker:.

This Agreement is the complete statement of the Agreement between the parties on the subject matter, and merges and supersedes all other or prior understandings, purchase orders, agreements and arrangements. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. Exclusive jurisdiction and venue for all matters relating to this Agreement shall be in courts located in Nuremberg, Germany, and you hereby consent to such jurisdiction and venue, thus excluding the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and any legislation implementing such Convention, if otherwise applicable.

Insofar as this License Agreement contains no provisions, the general legal provisions of the law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply. The invalidity or ineffectiveness of individual provisions of this contract shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

The Parties shall then be obliged to replace the invalid provision with a provision whose commercial and legal purpose is as close as possible to that of the invalid provision.

All rights of any kind in the Software, which are not expressly granted in this License, remain entirely with SoftMaker. Some cookies are required to provide you with the basic functions of this website and thus cannot be disabled.

We use the open source software Matomo on our websites to collect traffic statistics. Matomo does not transfer any data to servers beyond our control. Get FreeOffice now. It is free for personal and business use. Mac Download. For any Mac running macOS Windows Download. Linux Download. Revision Details Got WordPress? Install our plugin and get it loading faster right away. Our WordPress plugin allows you to optimize all images uploaded to your business or blog.

Existing images can be optimized from within the Media Library. Any newly uploaded images are optimized on-the-fly. Any generated thumbnails are optimized too. Install Kraken. WordPress and Magento Plugins Greatly speed up your blog or business, while saving on both bandwidth and disk space using our official plugins. Powerful Infrastructure Our hardware will let you to get the job done quickly and without consuming a single CPU cycle on your own machines. First Class Compression With its best-in-class algorithms Kraken.

Image Resizing Want to have your images resized before optimization? Great User Support Get fast and friendly customer support. No auto-responses or bots. We’ll get straight to the point and help you out. Watch our video and find out how Kraken. How well does Kraken. Original Image. Designers Done with your page or layout? Use Web Interface. Developers Optimize and resize images from within your applications using our fully-featured and easy-to-use API.

View API Docs. Discover Our Plugins. Reduce the Weight and Not the Quality You need to be confident that the quality of the results you are getting have not been compromised for the sake of getting the smallest possible file size. Let us do the Hard Work All optimization is carried out by our powerful servers , freeing you from having to utilize your own. Speed up Your Apps and Websites User experience is all about speed. Optimize for Mobile and Tablets With more and more people accessing your content through tablet or mobile devices, reducing your Time to Glass should be one of your top priorities.

Don’t subject your visitors to long waits when visiting your site – they won’t stick around. Sign Up Now. Reduce Your Operating Costs How much do you spend on bandwidth and storage?

Improve Your Search Ranking Since , Google has weighted a site’s loading speed as an important criteria in determining how it ranks in relation to other comparable sites.


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