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Teachers play a crucial role in nation-building. Through quality teachers, the Philippines can develop holistic learners who are globally competitive, well molded with values, and equipped with 21st-century skills. You are free to download these files from the links below. Read more about our Disclaimer.
We will post more compilations of downloadable materials like this. Keep visiting our website for more updates or you may also follow us in our social media account. After the activity, ask the participants the processing questions. If given the chance to draw the parts of your face again, how will you do it?
What are your initial thoughts on the RPMS tools for teachers? Position and Competency Profile. Job Summary 2. Models exemplary practice in the application of content knowledge and pedagogy showing its integration within and across learning areas. Conducts in-depth studies or action researches on teaching-learning innovations.
Works with colleagues to create learning-focused environments that promote learner responsibility and achievement. Assists colleagues to implement differentiated teaching strategies that are responsive to learner diversity.
Leads in the preparation and enrichment of curriculum. Initiate programs and projects that can enhance the curriculum and its implementation. Leads colleagues in the design, evaluation, interpretation and utilization of different types of assessment tools for the improvement of the teaching and learning process.
Strengthens school-community partnerships to enrich engagements of internal and external stakeholders in the educative process.. Establishes links with colleagues through attendance and membership in professional organizations to self-growth and advancement. Does related work. Master Teacher I-IV 2. Some performance may only be rated on quality and efficiency, some on quality and timeliness and others on efficiency only.
Figure 1. Performance Indicators his part provides the exact quantification of objectives, which shall serve as the assessment tool that gauges whether performance is positive or negative DO No. My presentations Profile Feedback Log out.
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Rpms ppst 2021 ppt
Figure 1. To make this website work, we log user data and share it with processors. You may also like. Support for professional development to meet the indicators HP Teacher Indicators are not met. Are you looking for something? If you own rights to those and do not wish them to appear on this site, please contact us via e-mail: [email protected] and we will take necessary actions ASAP. Chapter 2 – Types of Computer Networks.