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Sputtered coatings are usually layers of silver, each layer justa few angstroms thick there are million angstroms in 1inch. In the UnitedStates, air leakage is typically measured in cubic feet perminute cfm per square foot of window area, assuming a 75pascal difference in pressure across the window based on ast and ard test method. See page 74 forinformation on choosing the rightbattery for your RE system. What goes wrong and why dependson the SHW system, the climate, and the water conditions. Shuttingoff the main service AC disconnect or PV system disconnectalso immediately deenergizes all the PV system conductorsexcept module leads, as the inverters shut off immediatelywithout the presence of grid voltage. LopyCleveland Gast. Because of this, most people opt for commontempered glass.❿